Monday, May 10, 2010

Wake up!!!!!!!!!!

Life is what you make it! Have you ever wondered "what if"? Of course everyone will say YES!! But have you really taken the time to think about those 2 words? Break them down and really look on your life. Take for example today for me. Woke up a couple hours ago, feed Neffy and took her for a walk, we did 3 miles this morning. So I sit back in bed with CNN in the background. Already spoke to God and just lounging cause my day doesn't really start until 12pm. What to do? Facebooked, checked my mails, replied some mails, and the thought just springs in my head, "what if"!!!!!!

What if I was still 10 years old?
What if I was still in college in OSU?
What if I was still in high school?
What if I wasn't a Christian believer?
What if I was old and about to die?
What if I was extremely poor, hungry and naked?
What if I was extremely rich?
What if I came to this life as a bird?
What if I am terminally sick?
What if I did not wake up this morning?????

Now that last question gets me!!! What if from my dream I just coiuldn't wake up? Really, think on this! After talking with God and these questions pop up, I am indeed in AWE of the greatness of God in my life! How He does it each day to give me the breathe of life is beyond my imagination. I am eternally grateful for the miracle of life that is a continuous process just like the good book says, "his mercies are new every morning".

Of this I am grateful and even though thinking on the what ifs, looking at my life now, I still love where I am at! It might not be the best of places, but that last question makes it worthwhile!

Good Morning people!!!!!!!
You spoken to HIM yet????????

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